Stormwater Pollution Prevention & Illicit Discharge – Guide for Bars & Restaurants

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention & Illicit Discharge – Guide for Bars & Restaurants

What is Illicit Discharge
Defined as "any discharge into a municipal storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of storm water".
Examples of illicit discharge from Restaurants and Bars:
  •  Cooking Oil and Grease
  •  Soaps and Cleaning Chemicals
  •  Sediment
  •  Mop Water
Keep an eye out for inappropriate ("illicit") amounts of discharge from stormwater pipes, especially during dry weather. This could be a sign that there is a problem and should be reported to your local municipality.
How you can help
  • Dispose of grease and oil safely
  • Do not pour grease and oil into sinks, floor drains, parking lots or streets
  • Maintain and use grease traps regularly to prevent overflows
  • Keep grease bins covered and contained
  • Reduce the amount of grease washed down the drain by scraping off tray, grills and pans into grease can
  • Use mop buckets and sinks
  • Properly maintain garbage dumpster
Help prevent Illicit discharges
Within City limits, report the following
  • Witnessing someone drop litter
  • Oil sheen in a body of water
  • Leaves or grass clippings deposited in or near storm drains
  • Sewage odor from a storm drain, inlet, or body of water
  • Spills or dumping of oil, paint, household cleaners, antifreeze, pesticides, or fertilizers
  • Discharge of chlorinated swimming pool water to a storm drain
  • Sediment tracking from construction sites into streets
  • Illegal dumping (at sites where regular garbage and trash is not picked up)
  • Witnessing anything being disposed of into a storm drain

If illegal dumping or pollutants within waterways, culverts or storm drains is observed, we encourage residents to contact the City’s Infrastructure Department at (386) 437-7515 or email us at  All Stormwater related complaints should be reported to this phone number or email address. 

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