Stormwater Pollution Prevention & Illicit Discharge

Landscaping Services
Stormwater Prevention Image
Stormwater Polution Prevention
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What is Illicit Discharge?
Defined as “any discharge into a municipal storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of storm water.”
Examples of illicit discharge from landscaping:
• Grass clippings, leaves, and other yardwaste
• Excess herbicides and pesticides
• Gas overspill from mower and other equipment

Keep an eye out for inappropriate ("illicit") amounts of discharge from stormwater pipes, especially during dry weather. This could be a sign that there is a problem and should be reported to your local municipality.
How you can help…
• Do not blow leaves or grass clippings into the street, storm drain or body of water
• Do not apply chemicals near curbs and driveways when heavy rain is expected
• Use a deflector shield when applying fertilizer near waterways. Leave a buffer of unfertilized turf
• Clean swales mowed and clear of blockages. Never fill in a swale.
• Designate special area to drain and replace motor oil and other fluids where there are no connections to storm drain.
If illegal dumping or pollutants within waterways, culverts or storm drains is observed, we encourage residents to contact the City’s Infrastructure Department.  All Stormwater related complaints should be reported to:
Phone: (386) 437-7515     or       Email:
Or visit the City website for additional information: 